Weber Lumin electric barbecue with stand

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Weber Lumin electric barbecue with stand
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Weber's Lumin*-electric barbecue can reach high temperatures and is grand in versatility. It elevates barbecuing in the city to a higher level. This multifunctional electric barbecue reaches a temperature of over 315 °C, for high-quality grill results, while the smoke infusion ensures an even better barbecue flavor that guests crave. It also keeps your food warm, so everyone can serve themselves very easily. The foldable base is easy to set up and offers extra space and includes built-in tool hooks. Weber's new Lumin-electric barbecue with base is modern and convenient, designed for both your taste and your outdoor space. *LUMIN is a trademark of Weber-Stephen Products LLC and is the subject of ongoing registrations or applications in the United States and other countries.

• Reaches very high temperatures, of over 315 °C

• Grill, smoke, steam or cook with various cooking settings

• Keep meals warm, so guests can serve themselves

• Barbecue from the freezer by defrosting food while the barbecue preheats

• Compact barbecue with foldable base for easy storage and retrieval

More Information
Manufacturer Weber
ean 0077924190797
SKU 77924190797
Producttype Electric Barbecues
Characteristics Electronic Ignition, With thermometer
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 Power & Adapter

Power N/A
Adaptor N/A

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Weber Lumin electric barbecue with stand - Electric - Barbecues - House & Garden
