My Village Base Christmas Village Tunnel 80x40cm

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My Village Base Christmas Village Tunnel 80x40cm
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This mountain landscape is an ideal base for a Christmas village or other miniature village. The height of the base is 25 cm, and it is 80 cm long and 40 cm wide. The base is made of high-quality plastic and can be customized with MY VILLAGE spray paint. Gluing, drilling, or sawing is also not a problem. The surface contains convenient holes to hide electronics. At the bottom, there is ample space for cords, adapters, and power strips. It can be combined with Christmas houses and other Christmas village accessories, such as Lemax. This model can accommodate multiple Christmas houses and accessories. The landscape features a tunnel that can be cut out, for example, for a train.
More Information
Manufacturer My Village
ean 8717545191194
Width 40
Depth 40 cm
Height 30
product_length 80
SKU 8717545191194
Theme Mountain, Base, Landscaping, Snow & ice
Producttype Backdrops & Landscaping
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 Power & Adapter

Power N/A
Adaptor N/A

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My Village Base Christmas Village Tunnel 80x40cm - Mountains - My Village - Christmas decorations
