Elho Vivo Next square planter with wheels 40cm living concrete

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Elho Vivo Next square planter with wheels 40cm living concrete
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This Elho Vivo Next flowerpot is 40 cm wide, 39 cm deep, 38 cm high and suitable for both outdoors and indoors! This is made of 100% recycled plastic, lightweight and well UV and frost resistant. A very popular flowerpot that is often combined with tall plants, such as ornamental grass or bamboo, to create more privacy in no time, to separate a terrace or to interrupt a boring fence.

The convenience of an Elho Vivo flowerpot

Elho Vivo, the top performer when it comes to large plastic flowerpots for outdoors! With their minimalist design, these plastic flowerpots fit in almost any garden or interior. They are equipped with a handy water reservoir in which excess water will be stored that will later be slowly released to your plants. In addition, they have nicely concealed wheels at the bottom so you can easily move them. Do you want to use this flowerpot indoors? With the included plug, you can easily make the Elho Vivo flowerpots waterproof. The flowerpots from the Elho Vivo collection are available in square and rectangular versions and in the colors white, gray and black.

More Information
Suitable for Inside, Outside
Manufacturer Elho
ean 8711904497859
Width 40
Depth 39
Height 38
Material Kunststof
SKU 8711904497859
By collection Elho Vivo
Producttype Plant container
Characteristics With drainage hole, With drainage system, With wheels
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 Power & Adapter

Power N/A
Adaptor N/A

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Elho Vivo Next square planter with wheels 40cm living concrete - Indoor - Flower pots - House & Garden
